Our developer portal offers two distinct methods of receiving notification that the portal has been updated, E-mail and RSS. They are both relatively simple to set up.

h2. E-Mail

The portal has two options for e-mail notification:
# Every time a change is made
# Daily digest

h3. Setting up E-mail Address

* Click on the link to 'Preferences' on the top right of the screen.
* Select the 'Edit Profile' tab and enter your e-mail address.
* Click on 'Email' at the bottom of the left panel. Here you can choose to receive a daily digest of changes to all public spaces and whether you want your notifications to be in plain text or html.

h3. Subscribing to a Space

When you subscribe to a space you receive an immediate e-mail notification if anything on that space has changed.
* Navigate to the space you would like to receive notification from and click on the link called 'Browse Space' in the top right of the screen.
* Select the 'Advanced' Tab. Click on the link near the bottom of the panel on the left of the screen labeled 'Start Watching this Space'.

h2. RSS

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a technology used to publish frequently updated content. RSS makes it possible to keep up with changes in an automated manner that's easier than checking them manually and can be less intrusive than email.

RSS content can be read using software called a "feed reader" or an "aggregator." Examples of readers are, [Google Reader|http://www.google.com/reader/view/], [Microsoft Internet Explorer 7|http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/ie/default.mspx], [Bloglines|http://www.bloglines.com/] and many more.

See also [RSS|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS] in Wikipedia.

h3. Subscribing to an RSS Feed

There are two ways to subscribe to a Developer Portal RSS feed:
* In a space that you want to monitor click on "Browse Space" and then on "advanced." You will notice, on the lower left side of the page, the link "RSS Feeds." Click on the link and then right click on the contents that you are interested in and click on "Properties." Copy the URL into a text editor and add authentication parameters (see below).
* In the Dashboard click on "Feed Builder." Here you can select which spaces you want included in this feed and the contents that you want included. Click on "Create RSS Feed" and then right click on the feed icon, copy the URL into a text editor and add authentication parameters (see below).

h3. Adding Authentication

Since the Developer Portal requires authentication, we need to add the user name and password to the URL. The example below will demonstrate how this is done:
Note that we added at the the end two parameters: *os_username* specifies the username and *os_password* specifies the password. Note also the *&* that precedes the two parameters.

Now that you have the URL ready, go to your favorite RSS reader and subscribe to a new feed using the URL.